
Registration Form for Interview Guidance Programme

GATE Exam Details


Personal details


Have you joined any course at MADE EASY

Educational details

Candidate who are in final year should submit the average of marks till last semester.

Upload Photograph & GATE Score Card

Terms & Conditions

  • MADE EASY reserves all rights to publish your photograph/rank for marketing and other purposes this year and in future.
  • MADE EASY reserves all rights to make any alteration in program/timing/venue. However, such changes will be well notified to the students.
  • The decision of MADE EASY management will remain final and abiding to all.
  • This programme is only for the MADE EASY students(present or Old) registered in any of the courses. Non MADE EASY students are not eligible for this course.
  • I allow MADE EASY to mail/SMS me any program related updates in future.

I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understood and accepted the above mentioned terms & conditions.

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